though youll find information superhighway shops in doctor main destinations, it is extremely slow and sometimes censored. Do not plan on uploading your pictures from Myanmar so take a well deserved information superhighway free holiday. easier said, than done In conclusionIts simple, Myanmar is by far my most unique street images adventure I have had during our round doctor world trip. It was two extreme weeks where I really made doctor most of my taking pictures time. The impact of a hastily becoming tourism industry was still limited but expect that scientific worsen considerably in doctor following couple of years. If you are searching for an out of doctor typical shooting adventure, I totally put forward Myanmar. Theres an alternate deadly epidemic in doctor City. Until now, San Franciscos robust drug remedy and harm reduction programs had forestalled doctor opioid overdose epidemic sweeping doctor nation. A 2/18/20 DPH Press Release and Health Commission presentation specified how fatal drug overdoses surged clinical a projected 400 cases in 2019. Deadlier than homicides, suicides and site visitors injuries mixed, drug overdoses are now basically driven by fentanyl. Most casualties are men, 40 scientific 59 years old, and disproportionately African American. A potent and fast acting opioid, fentanyl is about 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times better than heroin.